Mark & Elena Erickson

Markella Project

Dancers-Elena & Mark Erickson©2019-54x54-canvas-smaller-float.jpg

Mark Erickson

The Mercury Series

The brush strokes intertwine and connect and the shapes evolve lyrically upwards, to the heavens, the skies above. The paintings feature bright organic shapes & lines, that hover weightlessly over a field of predominantly black, subtly suggesting figures, objects floating in the dark and words that spread out into the still expanse of space. 

The Wild Blue Mark Erickson©2021 Wood panel, 48x36Available

The Wild Blue
Mark Erickson©2021
Wood panel, 48x36


Look Up! The Sky Lies Open Mark Erickson ©2020 Wood Panel, 40x30Available

Look Up! The Sky Lies Open
Mark Erickson ©2020
Wood Panel, 40x30


Wild Mercury Plains Mark Erickson©2020 Canvas, 60x50Available

Wild Mercury Plains
Mark Erickson©2020
Canvas, 60x50



Color & Revision Series

I want viewers to see things, experience a moment in my painting where their imagination can take off in new directions. Whether it's an illusion of depth, something lyrical or the impact of color and shape, I seek to keep the eye moving around the canvas. Collage elements are sometimes added to take the painting into another arena. The need to feel something that may not be there at first glance, but to know it is there is the key.

Flares that Shine At Night, Glow Deep Red  Mark Erickson ©2020  Canvas, 44x34Available

Flares that Shine At Night, Glow Deep Red
Mark Erickson ©2020
Canvas, 44x34


Tarantella  Mark Erickson©2021  Canvas, 18x14Available

Mark Erickson©2021
Canvas, 18x14


Elena Erickson

Expansion in Motion Series

Each painting leads the eye to multiple perspectives and color stimulation, both in hypnotic variations and simple recognizable images. One can view the outlines and silhouettes expanding in a muralistic decoration, as if a landscape seen from a distance. Static energy pulsates off the canvas as the explosive colors dance rhythmically to their own expression. Each individual canvas becomes an interwoven story of color and impact.

The Lamps Hang Down Like Zeppelins Mark Erickson©2021 Canvas, 52x42Sold

The Lamps Hang Down Like Zeppelins
Mark Erickson©2021
Canvas, 52x42


White Sands of Beachwood Mark Erickson©2020 Canvas, 52x44Available

White Sands of Beachwood
Mark Erickson©2020
Canvas, 52x44


Wondering Aloud, Again Mark Erickson@2019 Canvas, 44x32Available

Wondering Aloud, Again
Mark Erickson@2019
Canvas, 44x32


Savanna Mark Erickson©2020 Canvas, 18x16Available

Mark Erickson©2020
Canvas, 18x16


Sundown Elena Erickson©2021Sold

Elena Erickson©2021


Sunsplash Elena Erickson©2021Available

Elena Erickson©2021


Surfing the Crest Elena Erickson©2021 Paper, 30x22Available

Surfing the Crest
Elena Erickson©2021
Paper, 30x22


Through The Treeline II Elena Erickson©2021 Canvas, 52x44Available

Through The Treeline II
Elena Erickson©2021
Canvas, 52x44


The Highlands E2 Elena Erickson©2021 Canvas, 52x44Available

The Highlands E2
Elena Erickson©2021
Canvas, 52x44


Cherry Pop Elena Erickson©2021 Paper, 30x22Available

Cherry Pop
Elena Erickson©2021
Paper, 30x22


Windows In Motion Series

There is a pure energy, intense colors and sunlight shooting through the Windows in Motion Paintings. Like reflections forming when looking out a train window as it passes a myriad of shapes and impressions, creating light shards and images through the cut glass. Or they can be viewed as if through a Cathedral stained glass window, with backlit outlines dancing in the skylights. Impressions entering the mind, creating yet another story line. As this train moves in motion you can look out the window and enjoy the steady flow of images passing.

Sunlight Through The Train Windows Elena Erickson©2019 Canvas, 52x64Available

Sunlight Through The Train Windows
Elena Erickson©2019
Canvas, 52x64


Color Study II Elena Erickson©2021 Paper, 23x30.5Available

Color Study II
Elena Erickson©2021
Paper, 23x30.5


Mark & Elena Erickson

Dancers Elena & Mark Erickson©2019 Canvas, 54x54Available

Elena & Mark Erickson©2019
Canvas, 54x54


In the Red Shadows of the Trees Elena & Mark Erickson©2018 Canvas, 50x50Available

In the Red Shadows of the Trees
Elena & Mark Erickson©2018
Canvas, 50x50


The Shelter of Leaves Elena & Mark Erickson©2020 Canvas, 44x52Available

The Shelter of Leaves
Elena & Mark Erickson©2020
Canvas, 44x52
