Let’s Feed Them All 2022
Marcin Owczarek
In Search of Arcadia
The art of Owczarek is dedicated to the relationship between Man, Animals and Nature. He focuses on animal rights, wildlife conservation, climate change and the condition of our fragile Planet.
Owczarek is fascinated with the influence of new technologies on human life, particularly within urban space. Focusing on the issues of mechanization and standardization, he tackles them in an antiutopian style. This is reinforced by Owczarek's interest in shamanism, Gnosticism and alchemy. His work is rooted in his interpretation of the content of the ‘Tibetan Book of the Dead’ as well as his studies in cultural anthropology.
Marcin & Katarzyna Owczarek
Collaborative works
Forest is one of the most important symbols present in myths and legends. Mysterious, whispering, full of twilight and shadows, symbolizing wisdom, reflection, meditation, memory, escapism as well as the source of magical power.
Wandering in the forest is a cognitive process, an attempt to reveal the secrets of the world represented by animals and nature. Confrontation with the dark and light forces of the other worlds that surround us and our senses, fears, excitement and joy. Forest is alive, when we go into the forest trying to embrace and tame its secrets with our eyes and senses, we come back with stories repeated by the fire, sometimes in a whisper, not to summon the creatures that inhabit it. -M. Owczarek